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- Issue #48: Prompts for Messaging, Bullets, and Content
Issue #48: Prompts for Messaging, Bullets, and Content

Good morning.
Got another batch of prompts for you today.
In the next week or so, I’m announcing something exciting for Bionic Marketing subscribers.
For now, enjoy these prompts.
Got questions? Anything in particular you want to read about in the next issue?
Hit reply.
Let’s get into it.

Reminder on Using GPTs, Projects, or Bots.
Just like last issue, these prompts are meant for use with your own internal GPTs, Projects, or Bots.
If you need a full refresher on what these are, read more here.
For a fast recap:
The best way to work with ChatGPT, Claude, or other models is to use a GPT, Project, or a Bot.
GPT is what OpenAI calls it (ChatGPT).
Anthropic, the company behind Claude, calls them Projects.
If you’re using Poe, they call them Bots.
(I’m just going to stick with ‘GPT’, as it’s the most common term).
They’re all the same thing, doing the same job. Picking one is largely about your preference.
At this stage of the AI game, you should be familiar enough with different models that you have a favorite or two, for various tasks. This is not something anyone can do for you. You need to do the work of using these tools.
All you need is a System Prompt/Instruction that specifically describes the role, function, tasks, etc. that you want your GPT to perform.
The Instructions should describe the Role, Task, Examples, and Rules for how you want the GPT to behave. Think of it as you’re describing the perfect, dream team member.
And then you upload the Knowledge Files (data) required. The kind of file depends on the work. Are you writing articles? Upload example articles. Emails? Upload email examples. The list goes on.
For the prompts below, they’re assuming that you have a GPT, Project, or Bot set up with a custom instruction (and relevant knowledge files) that tells it to behave.
Prompt for 28 Messaging Frameworks
Below is a list of messaging frameworks and formulas that most LLMs, like ChatGPT, are familiar with. This is not an exhaustive list, at all, but it is a good starting point.
I’ve found ChatGPT, Claude, Grok, and all of the latest LLMs to “know” every possible framework in existence. They can also create their own frameworks, if you ask.
The purpose of this prompt is to take existing text (could be for anything; offer positioning, social media post, email, whatever) and rework it into a new messaging frame.
If you don’t have text for rewriting, and you want messaging generated from very little, you need to provide enough information about what you’re looking for, otherwise you’ll get terrible output.
That means you have to provide at least a draft of a message, for a particular offer, product or service.
Think of it this way: what would a human being need to know to do this task well? The answer to that question is what you also need to give to an LLM.
In the prompt below, make sure you:
Change X into a number of versions you want.
Replace XXX into the name of the formula you’re looking for.
Here’s the Message Framework Prompt
You're an expert marketer, copywriter and amazing at persuasion. I want you to rewrite the text below into X versions of the XXX framework. Each version must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, unexpected, and emotional.
Cool? Great, let’s get into some frameworks you can use in the prompt.
Here are some Messaging Frameworks
AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)
Used to create effective headlines and ad copy. The goal is to capture the reader's attention, build their interest in the product or service, create a desire for it, and finally, compel them to take action.
PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solve)
Used to create messaging that addresses a specific problem and then highlights the negative consequences of that problem, agitating the reader to feel the pain of the problem. Finally, the copy presents the solution to the problem and its benefits.
BAB (Before, After, Bridge)
Highlights the positive transformation that can be achieved by using a product or service. The copy describes the reader's current situation (before), the desired outcome (after), and the bridge (product/service) that will take them from the before to the after.
FAB (Features, Advantages, Benefits)
Presents the features of a product or service, then explains how those features provide advantages, and finally, how those advantages translate into benefits for the reader.
SOAP (Situation, Obstacle, Action, Result)
Presents a situation, the obstacle preventing the reader from achieving their goal, the action that needs to be taken and the result that will be achieved by taking that action.
CAB (Credibility, Agitate, Benefits)
Establishes the credibility of the product or service, agitates the reader's pain points, and then presents the benefits of the product or service as the solution.
STP (Segment, Target, Position)
Focuses on identifying the target audience, understanding their needs and wants, and positioning the product or service in a way that addresses those needs and wants.
USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
Highlights what makes the product or service unique and different from those of competitors, the unique benefit that it provides to the customer and how it solves their problem.
CIT (Curiosity, Interest, and Transformation)
Creates curiosity and interest in the reader by highlighting an interesting fact, concept or story related to the product or service, then presents the transformation that can be achieved by using the product or service.
PAST (Pain, Agitate, Solve, and Take action)
Similar to PAS, but with emphasis on taking action. This formula is used to create copy that addresses a specific problem, highlights the negative consequences of that problem, agitates the reader to feel the pain of the problem, presents the solution to the problem and the benefits, and then prompts them to take action.
AEC (Attention, Empathy, and Credibility)
Aims to capture the reader's attention by highlighting a problem that is relevant to them, creates empathy by understanding their pain points and struggles and establishes credibility by presenting the solution and the benefits of the product or service.
CTA (Call to Action)
Prompts the reader to take a specific action, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a service, or learning more about a product.
AICPBSAWN (Attention, Interest, Credibility, Proof, Benefits, Arouse Wants, Now)
Focuses on getting the reader’s attention, generating interest, building credibility, providing proof, outlining the benefits, arousing wants, and then urging the reader to act now.
SEP (Story, Emotion, Point)
Revolves around telling a story that arouses emotion and then driving home a point that is relevant to the reader.
EPIC (Educate, Promote, Inform, Convert)
Emphasizes the need to educate the reader, promote the product or service, inform the reader, and then convert the reader into a customer.
SCA (Specific, Credible, Actionable)
Stresses the need to make sure that your copy is specific, credible, and actionable.
CORE (Clear, Organized, Relevant, Engaging)
Focuses on the need to make sure that your copy is clear, organized, relevant, and engaging.
AAR (Ask, Assert, Respond)
Involves asking a question, asserting a statement, and then responding to the reader's answer.
HAKA (Hook, Ask, Know, Action)
Focuses on using a hook to grab the reader's attention, asking a question to generate interest, providing the reader with the knowledge they need, and then guiding them to take action.
PIE (Personal, Interesting, Engaging)
Emphasizes the need to make sure your copy is personal, interesting, and engaging.
PLATFORM (Position, Lead, Appeal, Target, Offer, Message, Execute)
Looks at the need to position the product or service in the market, lead with a compelling story, appeal to the target audience, offer a unique value proposition, craft a memorable message, and execute the plan.
SLIM (Start, List, Illustrate, Motivate)
Focuses on starting with an attention-grabbing headline, listing the benefits, illustrating them with stories, and motivating the reader to take action.
AQUA (Awareness, Qualify, Understand, Action)
Looks at the need to create awareness of the product or service, qualify the audience, help the reader to understand the product, and then guide them to take action.
EMPATH (Engage, Motivate, Promote, Acknowledge, Tailor, Highlight)
Focuses on engaging the reader, motivating them to take action, promoting the product or service, acknowledging their needs, tailoring the message to their needs, and highlighting the benefits.
SENSE (Solve, Explain, Nurture, Suggest, Empower)
Looks at addressing the reader's problems, explaining the benefits of the product or service, nurturing the relationship, suggesting solutions, and empowering the reader to take action.
CLASP (Curiosity, Link, Attention, Story, and Promise)
Creates curiosity, links the product or service to a problem the reader is facing, captures their attention, tells a story that resonates with them and finishes with a promise of how the product or service will help them.
AECC (Awareness, Education, Conversion, and Commitment)
Aims to increase the reader's awareness of the product or service, educate them about the product or service, convert them into a customer and commit them to using the product or service for a long time.
GRAVITY (Goal, Reality, Advantage, Vision, Impact, Trust, You)
Focuses on highlighting the goal of the product or service, the current reality, the advantage of the product or service, the vision of the future, the impact of the product or service, building trust and making it all about the user.
Next, let’s look at Bullets.
12 Bullet Formula Prompts
You can generate endless bullets by giving ChatGPT or Claude text to rewrite into bullets.
I suggest asking for 20 or fewer bullets at a time, as the quality tends to degrade if you’re asking for too much content at once.
In the prompts below, make sure you:
Replace AVATAR with a description of your avatar.
Replace OFFER/PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION with a description of your product or service.
Replace ACTION with the desired action you want them to take (i.e. purchase, click, opt-in, etc.).
Modify “Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.” to only include the adjectives you’re looking for.
Here are the Bullet Prompts
Write XX bullet points that will convince AVATAR to sign up for OFFER/PRODUCT/SERVICE by explaining the value it brings and the benefits they'll receive. Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Write XX bullet points that will persuade AVATAR to ACTION OFFER/PRODUCT/SERVICE by highlighting its unique benefits and addressing any potential objections. Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Write XX bullet points that will make AVATAR feel excited, thrilled and fascinated about OFFER/PRODUCT/SERVICE and convince them to take ACTION. Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Write XX bullet points that will speak directly to the needs and pain points of AVATAR and persuade them to ACTION with a sense of urgency and strong offer. Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Write XX bullet points that will showcase the value and benefits of OFFER/PRODUCT/SERVICE to AVATAR and convince them to ACTION with social proof and credibility-building elements. Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Write XX bullet points that will explain the features and benefits of OFFER/PRODUCT/SERVICE to AVATAR in a clear and concise manner, leading them to make a purchase. Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Write XX bullet points that will address the pain points and needs of AVATAR and show them how OFFER/PRODUCT/SERVICE is the solution they've been searching for. Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Write XX bullet points that will draw in AVATAR with a strong headline and hook, and then convince them to take ACTION with persuasive language and compelling evidence. Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Write XX bullet points that will tell a story about OFFER/PRODUCT/SERVICE and how it has helped AVATAR achieve their goals, dreams, and desired outcomes in a relatable and engaging way." Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Write XX bullet points that will showcase the unique features and benefits of OFFER/PRODUCT/SERVICE to AVATAR and persuade them to ACTION. Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Write XX bullet points that will overcome objections and concerns AVATAR may have about my PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION and convince them to take ACTION. Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Write XX bullet points that will establish trust and credibility with AVATAR by highlighting the successes of previous customers who have used OFFER/PRODUCT/SERVICE. Each point must be specific, vivid, expansive in detail, unique, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, unexpected, and emotional.
Next, let’s look at Content Writing Prompts.
18 Content Writing Prompts
Additional prompts for writing content, of any kind.
In the prompt below, make sure you:
Swap out “XXX word article” for any content format you want.
Replace AVATAR with a description of your avatar.
Replace PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION with a description of your product or service.
Replace TOPIC with the topic you want, ACTION with the desired action you want them to take (i.e. purchase, click, opt-in, etc.), EMOTION with the emotion(s) you want people to experience.
Here are the Content Writing Prompts
Write a XXX word article that engages AVATAR with a unique and compelling perspective on TOPIC and persuade them to take ACTION on PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION.
Write a XXX word article that provides valuable and relevant information to AVATAR and persuade them to take ACTION on PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION.
Write a XXX word article that educates AVATAR on a specific TOPIC and persuade them to take ACTION on PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION.
Write a XXX word article that speaks directly to the needs and pain points of AVATAR and persuade them to take ACTION with a sense of urgency and strong offer."
Write a XXX word article that showcases the value and benefits of PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION to AVATAR and convince them to take ACTION with social proof and credibility-building elements.
Write a XXX word article that tells the story about PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION and how it has helped AVATAR achieve their GOALS / OUTCOMES in a relatable and engaging way.
Write a XXX word article that tells the story about PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION and how it has helped AVATAR achieve their GOALS / OUTCOMES in a relatable and engaging way.
Write a XXX word article that draws in AVATAR with a strong headline and hook, and then convince them to take ACTION with persuasive language and compelling evidence.
Write a XXX word article that addresses the pain points and needs of AVATAR and show them how PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION is the solution they've been searching for.
Write a XXX word article that clearly explains the features and benefits of PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION to AVATAR and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.
Write a XXX word article that overcomes objections and concerns AVATAR may have about PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION and convince them to take ACTION.
Write a XXX word article that showcases the unique features and benefits of PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION to AVATAR and persuade them to make a purchase.
Write a XXX word article that makes AVATAR feel EMOTION DESCRIPTION about PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION and persuade them to take ACTION with a sense of urgency.
Write a XXX word article that establishes trust and credibility with AVATAR by highlighting the successes and testimonials of previous customers who have used PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION.
Write a XXX word article that convinces AVATAR to purchase PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION by highlighting its unique benefits and addressing any potential objections.
Write a XXX word article that speaks directly to AVATAR and persuade them to take ACTION on PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION.
Write a XXX word article using the Rule of One framework that focuses on one main TOPIC IDEA, one main TOPIC MESSAGE, or one main ACTION in order to make the content more effective and memorable.
Write a XXX word article using the Inverted Pyramid framework that starts with the most important TOPIC DESCRIPTION and then moves on to less important TOPIC DETAILS, so that readers can quickly get the main points.
Enjoy and let me know how it goes.

If you’ve been in the AI space lately, you’ve probably come across a ton of people, all of a sudden, talking about “Taste”.
The tech, AI space cycles through talking points (I built an AI system that tracks and predicts what talking points will dominate, and for how long).
Taste is the latest.
Almost every take I’ve read comes across as psuedo-philosophy and I think a lot of people are missing the point. They equate Taste with nice design, sharp colors, and an impoverished view of aesthetics.
I have a different take on Taste: The Taste Trap.
In the Age of AI, Taste is the differentiator in content and media consumption.
While current algorithms keep us in a "Taste Trap," something like Agentic AI Sommeliers can expand our tastes and influence others.
In this essay, I talk about:
- What true Taste is.
- How to use it for both input and output.
- Agentic AI Sommeliers.
- Your Taste influencing others.
- A vision for a new "TasteIP" protocol.
- Sharing and accessing Taste Profiles at scale.
You can read the full essay here.
Also, I published another long-form essay yesterday:
People think of Curation the wrong way.
Instead of managing massive amounts of data, information, or selecting the "best", true curation is about unlocking the full reality and essence of whatever is in front of you. AI can help.
It all started with a green book on tomatoes, in a tiny bookshop that only sells one book at a time.
"Where are the other books?" I asked.
Talk soon,
Sam Woods
The Editor